capturing deisgns of downtown fredericksburg

Today I took a walk around downtown fredericksburg and enjoyed taking pictures of elements of design I stubled upon. The four I really focused on were typography, color, balance, and symbolism.

  1. Typography- The first element that caught my eye was typography. Typography is the art of arranging type to make text visually appealing and easy to read. The way that the Publisher hotel sign is spaced out letter by letter makes it really easy to read from far away and does a great job of bringing a viewers attention.

2. Color- The next element I saw was color. I stumbled upon a cute art gallery that was a baby blue building with a coral door. These colors went together so well and drew my attention from down the block! Color is really important in design to draw in viewers. 

3. Balance- Next, balance was another element I noticed. I saw this on the side of a building with a window, shutters, and pillars. The symmetry made the building feel open and welcoming. The balance was important to create a cohesive look and drew me in.

4. Symbolism- The final element I saw on my adventure was symbolism. Symbolism in design means an object representing something other than its literal form. I found this in a broken mirror on the side of the road. This in its literal form is a piece of garbage, but it could represent many things. It could represent anger if someone punched the mirror to cause this gaping hole in the middle. Symbolism is important for the viewer to really think about what they are seeing.

In Conclusion, I really enjoyed walking around downtown and finding different elements of design. I was able to see Fredericksburg from a different point of view.