I have been on many trips with my family over the years and have enjoyed many different things from all of them! I look forward to doing similar things in Chile with a new group and place! In this story within the photos collage, I have inserted three photos in the middle column from trips I have been on of things I enjoyed, and in their rows, I added two pictures from Chile of something similar I want to do!
In Pittsburgh my family and I went on a sky tram overlooking the city! This particular one we went on was historic and very old! I thought it was super cool to overlook everything while learning about the history of the tram. In Chile, we will be doing something similar on their much more modern sky trams!
In the Dominican Republic, we did lots of sightseeing of little towns and big cities! I loved taking photographs of all the interesting buildings. In Chile I am very excited to see the city of Santiago and the little town of Easter Island.
Something else I have really enjoyed is the beach and surfing! All my childhood I have loved going to the beach and surfing with my friends! I am very excited to go to Pea Beach and hopefully rent a surfboard!
In Conclusion, I made this collage to showcase my past adventures and my hopes for my adventure in Chile!

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