Wrapping it all up-Design

This week I learned a lot about design and creating interesting stories incorporating my creations. First I researched design and listened to We Are All Artists. I learned all about Design and how it is about making plans for things, like objects or systems, and it’s something everyone does, not just professionals. I found We Are All Artists really interesting and I really liked the part about not stressing too much about your posts not being a perfectionist and just jogging your creativity. I did 4 digital bank assignments, although I was not able to link the digital bank website on the vouge or license plate assignment because the website was down. I really liked doing the newspaper assignment because it was fun to create a story from a different perspective and also see the story in the art. I also did a destination poster but created a story about how it was a postcard. Another digital bank assignment I did was the vogue assignment and I really liked that one because I got to use images from a real photo shoot I had done for a local ice cream shop and incorporate it into my story. Finally, I created a license plate and I liked this one because I got to be very creative. This week I also did the design safari and I had a lot of fun walking downtown and looking for the different elements, but I did think this was the most difficult assignment. The last thing I posted was my daily creates, which I really enjoyed creating. I love how I can be creative and use different editing software. Overall, I really enjoyed this week and thought all the assignments really gave me a lot of creative freedom.