Movies are a big part of how we entertain ourselves. What makes movies so special is the way they’re filmed, including the different camera shots, angles, and movements that filmmakers use to tell a story. Even when movies have mistakes, we still enjoy watching them.
Camera shots are like the building blocks of a movie. They help us see the story in different ways. For example, a close-up is used to show a character’s face and their feelings. An extreme close-up can focus on just their eyes. A long shot shows the character’s whole body and where they are in the scene. If the location is more important than the character, an extreme long shot can be used. A medium shot is in between, showing the character from head to waist. There is also the POV shot, where the audience sees what the character sees. The number of people in the shot can also determine the shot type, such as a single shot, two shot, or three shot.
The angle of the camera also changes how we see things. An eye-level shot is neutral. A low-angle shot, where the camera looks up, makes a character seem strong or powerful. A high-angle shot, where the camera looks down, can make a character seem small or weak. If the camera is tilted to one side (Dutch angle), it can make things look strange or disorienting. An over-the-shoulder shot can create a sense of conflict.
Camera movements add even more to the story. A pan shows a scene from side to side, and a tilt moves the camera up or down. Tracking shots, dolly shots, and crane shots follow characters and make us feel like we’re part of the action. A zoom uses the lens to move closer or farther away. Sometimes, filmmakers shake the camera (random motion) to make things feel exciting. Combining these movements such as in a dolly zoom or using a single take can create complex and interesting shots.
Even with all the planning, mistakes can happen in movies. Sometimes, something will be in one place and then disappear in the next shot. Other times, something might not make sense, like burning fuel catching up to a plane. These mistakes are called continuity errors, but even with these mistakes, we still love watching movies. Sometimes, it’s fun to find the mistakes. Movies let us escape to other worlds, feel different emotions, and hear interesting stories. The camera shots, angles, and movements are a big part of what makes movies so entertaining!